Saturday, November 6, 2010

Move or Stay...

So one big issue I am facing right now is the decision whether to actually relocate to Lincoln, or stay and continue the one hour commute every day to class. The original plan was to commute. Since I am only working part time on the weekends in order to have more time to concentrate on school, I am a bit stressed over finances. It is very difficult going from working full time and having normal bills and responsibilities to working part time with the same bills and responsibilities. Basically I have the same debt and less than half the income. It’s funny how I am suppose to be focusing solely on school, but I have so many other things that just prevent that from happening.

Gas costs a bit when driving two hours Monday through Friday, and the driving back and forth from work on the weekends costs too. (My work is across town from my house, at least a 20 min drive each way.) So, if I move to Lincoln and rent a cheap little efficiency apartment one block away from campus I don't have to drive as much. What I will not be paying in gas will go towards rent each month. This would make complete sense if I was even able to comfortably afford the situation now. I don't think actually moving there will assist in the deterring of the financial worry.

Now living so close to campus would help with the focus. By the time I get home now, I am exhausted from such a long day of driving and class. While living there I will be able to study right away after class without feeling the need to rush and head home before it gets too late and dark. Also, this would give me the opportunity to participate in more activities on campus.( i.e. clubs, seminars, volunteer activities. ) My advisor believes this is the best avenue, he says I need to become more emerged in the culture. Either way, I'm not too worried about becoming a fully campus- involved student; I just want to be in the most logical position to successfully finish school with a degree.

There are so many factors to think about I'm not completely sure what the best choice is at this moment. I would continue to commute if I had something to keep me here. Since I don't really have any friends in Lincoln, it would be quite lonely. However, I don't really have that many friends (that I actually see or hang out with) here so I guess that wouldn't really matter either. Originally in the beginning of the semester I was dead set on never moving to Lincoln. Though the subject of relocating had come up a couple times, I had no intention of actually going. I expected to still be dating my boyfriend at the time and actually be seeing him more than once a week. Even if we were still together, I'm pretty confident that it wouldn't have had an effect at all on how much we saw each other if I had moved to Lincoln. Either way, the fact is now that I don't have a boyfriend anymore, and no one trying to talk me into not moving. So basically I have no reason not to move to Lincoln.

I get so distracted sometimes and I forget the whole point of my residency here in the Midwest is to finish school. With that in mind I guess since moving to Lincoln would help with the focus that just may truly be the best decision. Though I'm so torn, mostly because I have hopes of someone declaring his love for me and wanting to be with me, the logical decision is to continue down the path of least resistance to finish school. That would definitely be moving closer to campus.

It is so funny how so many different avenues are presented when something important is hanging in the midst. Make an emotional decision, a logical decision, wise decision, or bad decision; either way something is sacrificed in hopes of something else being gained. With my luck, with the way I normally do things, whatever I end up sacrificing probably won’t make the gain on the other side any easier. Ugh… If only I had gone straight through school from the very beginning rather than following my heart out to Vegas. Funny that this statement is always what plays in my head when I am trying to get through classes now. I guess if I don’t just move and I try to stay here because my heart wants to I’ll be saying the same thing again another five years down the road… :(

"This time like all times is a very good one if we but know what to do with it."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Education is the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty.”
- Mark Twain

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