Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Engineers Without Borders...

So I have recently become a member of the UNL- Engineers Without Borders Chapter! It is an amazing organization that is part of the Engineers Without Borders-USA group. We are currently looking into developing renewable energy projects and clean water filtration systems down in Kianjavato, Madagascar.

The Group is trying to raise money for the trip and supplies needed to help install the solar panels in the school houses that will provide power for a light and fan in each one. Most of the villages down there do not have electricity of any form and do not have safe water to drink, cook, or even bathe in. We hope to help reduce the high risk water issues with the filtration system.

From what I can see, going to the meetings (General as well as committee), everyone is so intensely committed to making a difference for these people! Some went down to do assessment research on needs and wants of the locals of the area. Power and fresh water are the two largest needs.

I am so incredibly excited to be apart of the group! I have applied to be one of the students that go down this next May 2011 to Kianjavato, Madagascar. I can't wait to begin making a difference in people's lives.

DONATE TO THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA CHAPTER OF ENGINEERS WITHOUT BORDERS-USA and get a boost to your donation with a match from EWB-USA’s corporate sponsors!

We are raising money for our efforts to help provide clean drinking water and power for lights in the schools in Kianjavato, Madagascar. A donation of $10 will pay for one day of translator services, $50 will pay for one day of car rental and driver, $100 will pay for a biosand filter to provide clean water for a household, $1000 will provide a solar system to provide light for a classroom, and $5000 will provide a solar system to power a computer for a school. EWB-USA in partnership with their corporate sponsors (Google, Tuner Construction, CDM and CH2MHill) will match your donation to our chapter with a one-for-one match from now until the end of December 2010.

Here’s what you need to do to help us improve the lives of the people of Kianjavato, Madagascar!

1. Type in URL into web address bar: https://ewb-usa.org/2010giving/
2. If there is a problem with the site’s security certificate, ignore the comment and click Continue to the site anyway.
3. Fill out Contributor Information on the left hand side of the web page.
4. Fill out amount of contribution as well as credit card information.
5. Scroll down and in the right column you will see a heading called Allocation. IMPORTANT: Type in University of Nebraska in the information bar under the heading Allocation. If this is not done, the University of Nebraska will not receive the donation!
6. Click Process Contribution.
7. If a comment appears stating that the address you have entered does not match the address registered with your bank, ignore it—your order has been processed! DO NOT re-click Process Contribution. If you do, your donation will be resubmitted and your account will be charged again.

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Devor O’Connor, Fundraising Chair for the EWB-USA NU Student Chapter at doconnor@huskers.unl.edu.

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