Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Art of Balance

Balance in life is something that is so incredibly important. While being balanced, mentally, physically, and socially, there is no limit as to how successful and happy one can be. It is just something that can have such a profound effect I don't think people realize how important it really is.

I can speak from personal experience about a lack of balance and the effect that can have on one's life. For example, my history aside, looking at life right now I am still trying to figure out a way to successfully balance school, work, and some sort of social life. Because I don't have too many actual friends I hang out with my social life is limited to the willingness and availability of a very select few. School should be taking up most of my time over all, as far as studying, being in class, homework, and whatever else goes along with being a successful student. Work is becoming more and more of a smaller part of my time (I don't necessarily mean I am physically working less hours, I am just not consumed by it anymore. I don't focus or stress about it as I have in the past.).

I know what I must do. However, it is just as theory and practice are two different things; actually getting things balanced is difficult sometimes. I have a plan for next semester, as this one comes to a close in the near future. I will try to get through it, hopefully passing the classes I am currently in. I intend to put forth the effort to change things by the end of this term. This way by the time the spring semester begins it will no longer be this horrific trial and error process I have stumbled through this first semester.

My plan for balance:

1. Time Management
- This is something that I have always struggled with. It is not an issue of completing tasks by a set timeline, or multitasking to complete projects. This semester I had so much time on my hands every day after class that I never accomplished anything at all. There were really no set deadlines to turn anything in, not enough to keep me busy. Then I would get behind and not have anything done at all. I am not sure if this makes any sense at all... Basically when I am constantly on the go, and I have no time to relax I am very efficient and productive; I can accomplish anything with pressure. When I have all day long with too much time I am worthless essentially. I can't get anything done as needed. It’s horrible right? Normal people get so much done when they have a day of no class or work. I can only accomplish anything when I have a short period of time to do it. This is something I will hopefully overcome by January. (Next semester I will be going to school fewer days a week than I currently am, meaning MORE time on my hands!)

2. Study!!
- This one is be an ongoing process. I am desperately trying to find a successful way to study and retain what I need to in order to do well in my classes.

3. Focus
- This is another one that I have trouble with. When I am able to focus I believe the time management and studying will all successfully come together. Hopefully because of there being no chance of any kind of relationship developing/continuing with anyone I have one less thing to worry about. Because I allowed myself to get so excited and hopeful over one this summer, when I got my feelings hurt it had much more of an effect on my focus than I had ever intended. This is one thing I have complete control over and will prevent from here on out.

Those are the three main things that I need to make sure are perfected in order to successfully get through school. We'll see how it goes! Like I said, theory and practice are so different. I have already begun to put things into motion....

1. Accepted the fact that I have no relationship potential so that has helped get over the recent past. It has made a huge difference in my attitude as well as helped with preventing my feelings to be hurt anymore. For example, when I am ignored or blown off by someone, it doesn't hurt my feelings anymore, because any expectations I previously had for anyone are completely diminished now. I accept the fact that though I have very few friends, my friends have a much larger group of people to entertain their time with. So I don't expect them to want to hang out with me anymore. (This isn't in any way as depressing or sad as it may sound, it is just the way things are and I am fine with it now.)

2. I have begun to read more. Not just reading text books for my classes, but reading other books as well. Reading for leisure isn't something I have done very often. It helps, not only with filling a time slot, but helps keep my mind busy as well as gives it a break from all the stressors I have related to school.

3. I have accepted the way of life I have to adopt in order to complete my degree. Up until now I have been very resistant to the things I have had to give up. It is getting much easier now.

So basically once I get things balanced everything is going to fly by much smoother. I am grateful I have had the opportunity to come here to finish school, as I realize there are many who are not able to do the same. I have big plans once I am done with school so I can't do anything that is going to jeopardize it.

The title for my blog being The Bumpy Road Through Life is definitely the true view as I see it. I don't think of it as being as smooth sailing as it has the endless potential to be, only because of the decisions I have made. I do have complete intentions of things continuing from this point forward much easier than they have up to this point.

"Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats."

"It's so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to."
~Annie Gottlier

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